Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Problem is…

That every time I open my mouth, I feel someone think, “Damn it, shut the FUCK UP!”

Friday, March 30, 2012

Here is Where I Enter My Title

And here is where I write my post.

Here is where I start to talk about what’s on my mind.





and here. Here is where I get distracted and begin a tangent.


Here’s where I acknowledge that I am, in fact, on a tangent.

Here’s where I get back on track.


Here’s where I think I’m done with my rant

and here’s where I start up again.



here’s where I’m actually done with my rant.

Enjoy Smile

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

There's that moment when you're rejected,
And all you can think is, "Aw."
And you walk away, numb for a minute.
You think for a little, laughing to yourself,
And before you know it, you're tearing up.

You hold in the real tears for just long enough to reach a private place,
Where you feel as though your heart is going to fall out.
And you panic a little,
Because for a minute,
You can't take in a breath,
For all the sobs trying to escape.

You cry and cry, until the skin around your eyes is raw,
With all the rubbing away of tears with the backs of hands.

All the thoughts you think aren't of stupid him,
But of inadequate you.
You cruelly fuel your own sadness with ideas about how you saw it coming,
And, "How could you have thought
(for even a second!)
That it would work the way you wanted it to?"

You begin to calm down,
But only because you've started to forget
Why you were crying in the first place,
Having wandered down some other road of thought in your mind.
You notice.

And a new wave of tears comes crashing down.
You repeat this cycle until you fall asleep unknowingly.

You don't know what time you fell asleep,
But you wake up feeling crappy.
When you blink,
It's like ten-pound weights are dangling from your lower eyelids.

You think to yourself, I'll just get through today,
And you do!
And you get through the next day, too.

You see him the day after that.
You treat him coolly for the most part,
But then he makes you laugh,
And you forgive him.

And everything's alright for a bit--
Until you remember why exactly things were a little weird between you today,
And it all starts up again.

At least...that's how it was for me.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Can Haz Lover?

Ah, hot freshman, how hot you are, over there being knowledgeable and friendly...
I dunno, maybe it'll happen, mebbe not...
But I'll try, and as my friend put it, I won't stop short of drugging! (lol, jk, I'd feel too much like Merope, Voldy's mom)
But anyway, I guess this breaks the theme of self pity and stuff like that...Here, I'll try again.

and it's true...I am, and I do!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The History of "Love": the trials and tribulations of the one who's been unlucky

Wow. Look at me. I'm unlucky in love.
Well, let's try again. Maybe we can learn from my history.

I was young and kindergarten! I fell in "love" with this one kid, and then he showed me his penis during class one day...and I stopped "loving" him. The second, I stopped loving because he always wanted to cheat off of me on worksheets.

I was the transfer kid in the 2nd grade. I saw this black haired, deep voiced boy. I never talked to him, I don't think he knew my name...but I liked him. Aaaaaand then I told my friend and she promptly said "Ew!" and I stopped liking him.

In Junior High, this one kid asked me out. It lasted about a week, and we didn't try again. I later found out he was gay.There were other boys, before and after this one, but you know...they were the kind that never knew my name, except for when they needed answers...then they knew my phone number and everything...

High school came along...and I liked this one boy, a really tall boy. He was my lab partner for sophomore year...he was in my bio class for junior year, and senior year...he was basically in all my classes. So, imagine my discomfort when I tell him I like him...and I'm rejected. Sad right? Well, forget him. I went to prom all by myself, and I had an amazing time.

Freshman year comes about...and I immediately latch on to a guy...the most moody, antisocial guy I could ever hope to find. He's everything you don't want: a know it all, a jerk, a douche...and still, I fell in like. I came to accept that he's a douchebag, but I still I am wont to do.

This year, my sophomore year of college, I promptly fell in like with my next door neighbor in my dorm...I think he's gay, never know. People might surprise you sometimes.
Still, I'm gonna give up hope on that one, maybe get to know the one that I literally saw make rice on his own, but heat up some chicken nuggets for dinner. You know, the one that really likes South Park and has a tattoo on his shoulder. Maybe I'll even find out his name one day.